Protein cream for cake coating

Kitchen World
Calorie content 285.6 kcal
Portions 7 port.
Cooking time 15 minutes.
Proteins * 7.3 gr.
Fats * 3.7 gr.
Carbohydrates* 61.8 g
Protein cream for cake coating

For the protein cream to be used to coat the cake, its consistency must be thick and firm enough. In addition, the mass should be stable and not change its texture during the entire shelf life of the dessert. These goals are successfully achieved by adding butter to the proteins. And initially, the cream needs to be whipped in a water bath - this is how the proteins are thermally exposed and noticeably thicken. The preparation of such a cream does not take much time, but it is very important to have a powerful mixer for this.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 5
Before preparing the cream, we take out the butter from the refrigerator so that it softens well and becomes plastic by the time it is added to the cream. We divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Pour the whites into a heat-resistant beating container.
step 2 out of 5
Pour vanillin and granulated sugar in the specified amount into a bowl with proteins. We put the container on a steam bath - the bottom does not touch the hot water, it is heated only by steam. Stir the whites with the sugar by hand with a whisk until the crystals dissolve. The mass should turn white and warm. After dissolving the sugar grains, remove the bowl from the water bath and begin to beat the whites with a mixer. We start at a low speed and gradually build up the revs. Whisk until the cream is firm and leaves soft peaks. It is also important that the mass has cooled to a barely warm state while whipping.
step 3 out of 5
Divide the softened butter into small portions and add one at a time to the cream, without stopping whipping. At first, you will be able to see how the cream has liquefied - this is normal. As the butter is added, the cream will thicken.
step 4 out of 5
When the last portion of butter is added to the protein mass, beat for another minute or two and get a very thick, stable cream. If necessary, you can add any food coloring to it.
step 5 out of 5
With the help of spatula, we cover the cake with cream. It is advisable to do this immediately after its preparation, while the mass is plastic and pliable. You can also put the cream in a pastry bag with the necessary attachments and plant the decorations on the cake. After cooling in the refrigerator, the cream stabilizes well.

Bon Appetit!

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