Protein agar cream for cake

Kitchen World
Calorie content 292.8 kcal
Portions 6 port.
Cooking time 20 minutes.
Proteins * 14.5 g
Fats * 0.3 g
Carbohydrates* 66.2 g
Protein agar cream for cake

If you need to quickly and easily prepare a thick cream for the cake, then this is ideal. The whites are whipped into a thick dense foam very quickly - five minutes of operation of a powerful mixer is enough. It takes about ten minutes to cook the syrup. Mixing these masses into a single one will take another couple of minutes. In general, while the cake cakes are being baked, you can quickly make an airy, delicate, somewhat soufflé-like cream. It perfectly complements porous biscuit dough. Having tried a ready-made dessert with such a cream, you will never say that it is, in fact, being prepared in a hurry.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 6
We start the preparation of the cream by soaking the agar-agar: put it in a small container and add one and a half to two teaspoons of water. We leave to swell. Next, cook the syrup. Pour the specified amount of granulated sugar into a saucepan or refractory bowl and pour in water. Heat the mixture to a boil and, with constant stirring, cook until thick, yellow and large bubbles. Pour the dissolved agar-agar into the syrup in a thin stream and continue cooking at low temperature for another four minutes.
step 2 out of 6
Immediately after adding agar-agar to the syrup, in parallel, we begin to beat the proteins in a separate container. Four to five minutes of beating at high speed is enough to create a dense foam that forms stable peaks.
step 3 out of 6
By the time a dense protein foam forms, the cooking of the syrup will just be over. Pour the hot sweet liquid into the whites in a thin stream, without stopping whipping.
step 4 out of 6
The mass will become a little thicker and acquire a glossy shine. Beat for another minute or two and turn off the mixer - the cream is ready.
step 5 out of 6
If necessary, add food coloring and stir well so that the cream takes on a uniform color.
step 6 out of 6
We transfer the cream to a pastry bag with a nozzle and place any decorations on the confectionery. It is advisable to work with the cream within an hour after its preparation, since the mass is stabilized. After cooling in the refrigerator, the cream acquires an even more stable texture and perfectly retains its shape.

Bon Appetit!

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