Caesar salad with chicken

Caesar with chicken has long become one of the most popular salads of Russians, sometimes even eclipsing Olivier. The classic recipe can be changed depending on your taste preferences. Tomatoes, croutons, hard or processed cheeses, mushrooms or seafood - experiment with ingredients and get new dishes. Choose a recipe from the catalog and surprise your loved ones!

Caesar salad with chicken and croutons

Caesar with chicken, tomatoes, cheese and croutons

Caesar salad with chicken, cherry tomatoes and croutons

Caesar with chicken and Chinese cabbage

Caesar salad with chicken and mayonnaise

Top 10 Most Used Ingredients in Caesar Salad

Product 100g Kcal Protein Fats Carbohydrates
Smoked chicken 184 27.5 8.2 0
Quail egg 158 13.1 11.1 0.4
Leaf salad 16 1.5 0.2 3.1
Crackers 240 3.5 16 20.5