Blueberry compote for 3 liters for the winter in jars

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 60 kcal
Portions 3 l.
Cooking time 70 minutes
Proteins * 0.3 g
Fats * 0.2 g
Carbohydrates* 14.2 g
Blueberry compote for 3 liters for the winter in jars

A versatile drink can be prepared for a family lunch or dinner. It goes well with a variety of dishes. In addition, such compote will help maintain your immunity during a difficult period.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 5
If you are planning to buy blueberries, choose them responsibly. Be sure to ask the seller to smell the berries. If blueberries have a sour aroma, then they have already begun to deteriorate. Such a product is not worth buying and using in cooking. Let's start processing blueberries. First, sort out the berries, removing any spoiled fruits. After that, pour the blueberries into a small bowl and cover with water. All the debris will immediately float to the surface, among which there may be various leaves and even small insects. Remove it with a piece of regular rag. After that, change the water and leave the berries in it for about 25 minutes. When the time is up, rinse them several times. Place a tea towel on the table. Pour all the berries on it and leave them to dry.
step 2 out of 5
We pass to a very important stage - sterilization of cans. Rinse them well first. You can use baking soda for this. Fill a small saucepan with water. Transfer it to the stove. Wait for the water to boil. Scald the lids with boiling water. To sterilize the jars, fill the kettle with water. Put it on fire. When the water starts to boil, place the jar on the spout of the kettle so that it fills with steam. Keep the jar in this position for 3 minutes. At this time, spread a towel on the table. Put jars on it. Additionally, you should not wipe them off, as they themselves will dry very quickly. If you don't have a kettle in your kitchen, you can use a regular pot.
step 3 out of 5
Let's start making sugar syrup. Pour cold water into a saucepan. We transfer it to the stove. When the water boils, we begin to gradually add granulated sugar. It is best to do this in several steps. Stir the syrup constantly to dissolve the sugar crystals quickly. Add 2 tablespoons vanilla sugar to a saucepan. This ingredient will give the compote a very pleasant aroma that will match its taste. The last ingredient will be citric acid. When the syrup is done, turn off the heat and remove the saucepan from the stove. Now we need to strain the solution. To do this, you can use a sieve or gauze. Thanks to this process, the compote will turn out to be very transparent and pleasant to look at.
step 4 out of 5
Fill the jars with blueberries. Pour sugar solution over them. Make sure that no crack appears on the surface of the can. If this happens, be sure to change the capacity. Screw the cover back on gently. Spread some tea towels on the table. Turn the cans over and place them on the table. Due to this position and hot compote, the lids will be subjected to additional heat treatment. Wrap the jars in a blanket or large towel.Let them cool down. During this time, find a cool place in your home where the compote will wait for winter.
step 5 out of 5
Blueberry compote is ready. It is perfect for a family dinner. This drink will be appreciated by both children and adults. You should break away from your business and start cooking it. In winter, you will definitely thank yourself!

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