Diet curd muffins

Kitchen American
Calorie content 149.2 kcal
Portions 4 port.
Cooking time 30 minutes.
Proteins * 8.9 gr.
Fats * 4 gr.
Carbohydrates* 25.7 g
Diet curd muffins

To make diet muffins, ditch wheat flour that contains gluten and replace it with corn flour. Such a change will affect the texture of the dessert: it will become denser, but at the same time more tender. Instead of sugar, we use honey, and we use low-fat kefir as the base liquid. The calorie content of such muffins is significantly lower compared to their classic version. The muffins are very light, do not cause digestion difficulties and fit perfectly into the children's menu.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 5
It is very convenient to knead the muffin dough right in the blender bowl. Alternatively, you can mix the ingredients just in a bowl using a regular whisk and hand strength. Put cottage cheese, honey in a container, pour in kefir and an egg. Beat all the ingredients together with a blender or whisk until a liquid mass is obtained. Cottage cheese can give grains in the mass that will not dissolve - this is normal.
step 2 out of 5
Pour corn flour, baking powder and lemon zest into the liquid curd mixture.
step 3 out of 5
Mix all the products together until a relatively homogeneous dough, similar to low-fat sour cream, is obtained. The mixture may seem too runny. The fact is that corn flour behaves differently during baking than wheat flour: it absorbs liquid well and swells, providing, even with its small amount, a rather dense texture of finished muffins.
step 4 out of 5
To minimize the amount of oil, we use silicone baking tins, because they do not require lubrication. Being soft and pliable, they allow even very delicate finished products to be extracted without problems after baking. We fill the forms with the finished dough almost to the top. The dough hardly rises during baking.
step 5 out of 5
Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees and put the molds with the dough into it. We bake for about half an hour. When the muffins are well browned and firm, you can take them out. After baking, remove the muffins from the molds and serve. These diet muffins are delicious both warm and cold.

Bon Appetit!

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