Homemade kvass for 10 liters

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 24.5 kcal
Portions 10 l.
Cooking time 6 h
Proteins * 0.8 gr.
Fats * gr.
Carbohydrates* 6.4 gr.
Homemade kvass for 10 liters

As soon as the summer cottage season and spring field work begins, I prepare homemade kvass. I make a lot at once, because the drink ends quickly. I want to share my recipe for making homemade kvass. The preparation process is very simple, and the drink can be consumed after 6 hours.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 3
First of all, take a deep container in which you will prepare kvass. It could be a large saucepan or even a jar. If you don't have anything suitable, you can reduce the ingredients or take, for example, two five-liter pots, and then pour into jars. Pour the required amount of granulated sugar and citric acid into the prepared container.
step 2 out of 3
Then add the required amount of chicory. I always take Classic. Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly and fill with the required amount of cold drinking water. Put the saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil, then remove from heat and cool until warm. Then add dry yeast and mix thoroughly.
step 3 out of 3
If you do not have dry yeast available, you can use raw pressed yeast, you will need 3 times more than dry yeast. Leave the workpiece for about 3-4 hours, then cool completely in the refrigerator. Ready-made quick kvass can be served on the table. The drink is an excellent thirst quencher. I use this homemade kvass to make okroshka.



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