Homemade kvass on breadcrumbs

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 23 kcal
Portions 3 l.
Cooking time 2 days
Proteins * 0.5 gr.
Fats * 0.1 g
Carbohydrates* 5.3 gr.
Homemade kvass on breadcrumbs

In this recipe, you are invited to make homemade kvass on black bread crumbs. Take "Borodinsky" bread, it is distinguished by a special taste and rich astringency. You will get both a cold refreshing drink and a base for okroshka. Cooking in a 3-liter jar.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 4
First cut the bread into 1 cm thick slices and then into halves. Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Put the bread on a baking sheet and send to the preheated oven. Watch the process of preparing the croutons so that they do not burn, otherwise the kvass will taste bitter.
step 2 out of 4
Place the finished croutons in a clean jar. Pour 1/2 can of boiling water over them and let sit for 30 minutes. Then add cooled boiled water to the top of the jar. Add sugar and yeast in the amount indicated in the recipe. Cover the jar with a piece of cheesecloth folded in half and leave in a warm place to ferment for 2 days.
step 3 out of 4
After this time, strain the kvass through the same gauze or a piece of thick cloth into another dish. The remaining bread mass, adding 4 more croutons to it, pour chilled boiling water, add sugar and after 2 days you will have another portion of kvass. Do not re-add yeast.
step 4 out of 4
Cool the prepared kvass in the refrigerator and serve.

Drink to your health!

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Comments (1) 1

Vladimir 18-06-2021 18:53
C P A S AND B O !!! Excellent kvass for okroshka!

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