French bread in the LG bread maker

Kitchen French
Calorie content 266 kcal
Portions 8 port.
Cooking time 4 h
Proteins * 15.7 g
Fats * 8.2 gr.
Carbohydrates* 41.8 g
French bread in the LG bread maker

I recommend using a simple recipe for delicious French bread made in the LG bread maker. Homemade bread is light, airy, porous and soft on the inside and crispy on the outside. Be sure to cook and delight yourself and your family!


Cooking process

step 1 out of 10
Rinse green onions thoroughly, shake off excess moisture and chop finely.
step 2 out of 10
Prepare baking wheat flour, instant yeast powder, and milk powder.
step 3 out of 10
Measure out the required amount of butter.
step 4 out of 10
Prepare salt and granulated sugar
step 5 out of 10
Pour drinking water preheated to a warm state into the bowl of the bread machine. Add salt, granulated sugar, milk powder and sifted wheat flour. Add softened butter. Add dry fast yeast and chopped green onions.
step 6 out of 10
Close the lid of the bread maker. Set the French Bread program on the appliance panel, the crust is medium. Switch on the device. The cooking process will take 4 hours.
step 7 out of 10
After 3 hours have passed, the baking process begins.
step 8 out of 10
After the end of the program, switch off the appliance and open the lid of the bread maker.
step 9 out of 10
Gently remove the flavored French bread and cool completely.
step 10 out of 10
Delicious French bread, baked in a bread maker, cut into slices and serve.

Bon Appetit!

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