How to cook chanterelles - recipes

Fried chanterelles with potatoes - 5 recipes with photos step by step

Who doesn't love fried potatoes cooked with fresh and aromatic chanterelles? Such an appetizing and tempting dish is enjoyed by almost everyone. Moreover, it is very easy to prepare, and also satisfying, so it goes well with the dinner table without meat. Chanterelles are very tasty and fragrant mushrooms that do not cause a lot of hassle to prepare, but you need to tinker with their cleaning. If you have a lot of red-haired guests from the forest, then we suggest using our simple recipes and preparing an incredibly tasty and hearty dinner of fried potatoes with chanterelles.

Chanterelles fried with potatoes

Chanterelles are very practical mushrooms to prepare. Firstly, they are never wormy, which means that it will take much less time to sort out mushrooms. Secondly, they are delicious and aromatic. Cooked chanterelles with fried potatoes according to the proposed recipe will turn out to be incredibly appetizing, as they are fried in butter and lard. Believe me, such a dish can please even those who do not use mushrooms in their diet.

Tip: it is better to calculate the amount of potatoes after you drain the water, since the mushrooms will boil a little, and you will see their real volume.

Tip: during frying, it is better not to cover the pan with a lid, as the potatoes will become soft and turn into porridge. If you want to, you can cover the dishes only for the first 5 minutes.

Ingredients: fresh chanterelles, potatoes, onions, pork lard, butter, ground black pepper, salt

Top 10 Most Used Ingredients Under Mushrooms

Product 100g Kcal Protein Fats Carbohydrates
Chanterelles fresh 19.8 1.5 1.1 1.3
Onion 41 1.4 0.2 8.2
Vegetable oil 899 0 99.9 0
Potato 77 2 0.4 16.3
Garlic 14.9 0.7 0 3
Butter 661 0.8 72.5 1.3
Bay leaf 313 7.6 8.4 48.7
Sour cream 206 2.5 20 3.4
Black peppercorns 251 10.4 3.3 38.7
Carrot 35 1.3 0.1 6.9