Salted milk mushrooms

Top 10 Most Used Ingredients Under Mushrooms

Product 100g Kcal Protein Fats Carbohydrates
Garlic 14.9 0.7 0 3
Black peppercorns 251 10.4 3.3 38.7
Dill umbrellas 43 3.5 1.1 4.9
White milk mushrooms 16 1.8 1 0.5
Bay leaf 313 7.6 8.4 48.7
Black currant leaves 1 0.1 0 0.1
Black milk mushrooms 15 1.5 1 1
Horseradish root 59 3.2 0.4 10.5
Horseradish leaves 64 9.4 1.4 6.3
Yellow milk mushrooms 16 1.8 0.8 0.5


For winter salting of mushrooms, you need the right choice of product and taking into account the intricacies of preparing an appetizer. The taste, crunchiness, usefulness and safety of the finished snack depend on these conditions. Milk mushrooms are in great demand as they have excellent taste.

The salting process for the winter period is carried out in different ways, using additional ingredients that give the mushrooms a special aroma. In addition to following the instructions for preparing a snack, it is important to properly clean, rinse the mushrooms, prepare the brine, and select the appropriate utensils.

How to properly clean and wash milk mushrooms?

For pickling, young mushrooms of small sizes are chosen. They retain their elasticity, the tenderness of the pulp, even after processing. Initially, the milk mushrooms are cleaned of excess debris with a kitchen sponge or a small brush. This is followed by a thorough removal of dirt in several stages:

  1. Peel off each mushroom without damaging the delicate pulp. The cleaning process begins at the base of the stalk and moves up towards the cap.
  2. The remaining mycelium is trimmed using a sharp knife.
  3. They remove stains, dots, rotten areas on mushrooms so that the finished product does not subsequently acquire an unpleasant taste and aroma.

After thorough cleaning, the milk mushrooms are washed 2-3 times under running water. This is done in order to completely remove grains of sand, fine dirt.

Attention. The mushrooms are washed only with cold water. At high temperatures, the product loses its elasticity, which negatively affects the quality of the future snack.

After complete cleaning and rinsing, the mushrooms are soaked in clean cool water for about 4-8 hours. This removes bitterness from the tissues. The water in which the milk mushrooms remain is periodically changed.

Hot salting of milk mushrooms

Hot pickling is considered the most common of all preservation methods.Experienced housewives know that this way you can store mushrooms for a long time and leave them for the winter season. At the same time, milk mushrooms do not change their taste and useful qualities, they remain strong, elastic when properly prepared.

The classic method of pickling includes the following components: water, salt, black and allspice, bay leaf, dill, cloves, garlic, horseradish root, sunflower oil and the milk mushrooms themselves. For more flavor, add dry cherry or currant leaves.

Regardless of the salting recipe used, peeled and washed mushrooms are pre-boiled.

For the purpose of heat treatment, the milk mushrooms are laid out in an enamel container or stainless steel metal dish with boiling salted water. During cooking, the mushrooms must float in a pot of water in order to evenly go through the cooking process. Otherwise, you can get a half-baked mass. The boiling process lasts 10-15 minutes. Then the milk mushrooms are transferred to a colander and washed well under running water.

The subtleties of preparing brine

For the marinade, put a pot of water on the gas, add salt and dry spices. The mass is boiled for about 2-3 minutes. Hot brine is not removed from the gas. Heat-treated mushrooms are dipped into the liquid and boiled for 10-15 minutes. After that, water with milk mushrooms is set aside, garlic, horseradish root are added for crunchiness. The contents of the pan are covered with a plate, and a glass jar is placed on top as oppression. They wait until the whole mass has cooled down.

After complete cooling, the brine with the contents is sent for 5-7 days to a cool place (cellar, balcony, refrigerator). After the specified time, proceed to the next stage of salting. The mushrooms are taken out of the liquid, transferred to prepared jars and poured on top with the same marinade, covered with lids and left for the winter. For convenience, glass containers are chosen in small sizes. Liter jars are suitable, which are sterilized in advance with boiling water or in a microwave oven.

To avoid contact of the contents of the cans with air, use sunflower oil. It is poured over the entire mass in glass containers. This way the taste of the finished product is preserved.

The effect of the dry method of salting

Milk mushrooms are especially tasty in their own juice. To prepare snacks, take an enamel pan. Spices and mushrooms are spread in layers at the bottom of the container. Use a little peppercorns, a few pieces of bay leaves, cloves of garlic, sprinkle with salt. Pre-cleaned and heat-treated mushrooms are placed on top. The last layer should be spices. Cover the contents of the pan with a plate and put a jar of water on top for oppression. Containers with mushrooms and additional components are sent to a cold place. Over time, the milk mushrooms begin to release juice and marinate. This snack option is ready for consumption after a month.