Adjarian Khachapuri

Kitchen Georgian
Calorie content 204.1 kcal
Portions 2 port.
Cooking time 105 minutes
Proteins * 13 gr.
Fats * 11.2 gr.
Carbohydrates* 31.2 g
Adjarian Khachapuri

An incredibly colorful dish that just by its appearance evokes the atmosphere of Georgia. Delicate dough with a spongy texture, golden brown crust, breathtaking cheese filling and yolk with butter - all this in one piece gives a feast of taste and pleasure. A glass of wine will ideally complement freshly baked khachapuri.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 16
To prepare the dough, pour warm water into a glass and add salt, sugar and yeast. Stir thoroughly and leave for ten minutes in a warm place for the yeast to begin the fermentation process. Foam should appear on the surface of the liquid.
step 2 out of 16
Sift flour into a separate volumetric bowl. Stir the yeast liquid in a glass and pour it into the sifted flour in a thin stream.
step 3 out of 16
Knead the dough with our hands, adding a little warm water or adding more flour if necessary. We spread the dough on a cutting board.
step 4 out of 16
Knead the dough with our hands on a board, gradually adding vegetable oil to it. Each time, adding a portion of oil, knead with your hands until the oil is completely immersed in the dough. This kneading dough will take 10-15 minutes.
step 5 out of 16
Lubricate the bowl with vegetable oil, put the prepared dough in it and put it in a warm place to rise for one hour.
step 6 out of 16
While the dough is rising, let's prepare the filling. To do this, rub the suluguni cheese on a coarse grater.
step 7 out of 16
Add one egg white to the cheese. If the cheese is not salty enough, you can add additional salt.
step 8 out of 16
Stir the cheese with the protein and knead with a mashed potatoes. Add a small amount of water (about 50 ml). Add half a tablespoon of flour and mix.
step 9 out of 16
Divide the increased dough into two equal parts. You should not crush the dough, so as not to deprive it of its airiness.
step 10 out of 16
If the dough sticks, you can add a small amount of flour. Using our hands or a rolling pin, form a cake with an approximate diameter of 25 centimeters from a piece of dough. The thickness of the cake should be about five millimeters. Put the cheese filling on the opposite edges of the cake.
step 11 out of 16
We wrap the filling in the dough with a roller, pinch the junction with our fingers. Thus, we form a boat.
step 12 out of 16
We preheat the oven to 250 degrees in advance. Cover the baking sheet with oiled parchment. We carefully lay the boats on the parchment so as not to disturb their shape. Put the filling into the boats with a spoon. Beat one yolk with a fork in a separate bowl and grease with this mass of khachapuri. It is convenient to do this with a silicone brush. If desired, sprinkle additional grated cheese on the edges of the pastry.
step 13 out of 16
Put a baking sheet with khachapuri in the oven on a medium level and bake for fifteen minutes. During this time, the products will rise and become noticeably reddened.
step 14 out of 16
After the specified time, we take out the khachapuri and make a small depression in the center of the cheese filling with a spoon. We spread the yolk into the depression. If you don't want to serve khachapuri with raw yolk, you can send the baked goods back to the oven for a couple of minutes to set the yolk.
step 15 out of 16
We take out the finished khachapuri from the oven and put pieces of soft butter over the filling.
step 16 out of 16
We serve immediately, while the khachapuri is hot and juicy. Tear off the edges of the pastry and dip in the cheese filling with yolk and butter.

Bon Appetit!

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