Bread 750 grams in Mulinex bread maker

Kitchen World
Calorie content 321.8 kcal
Portions 6 port.
Cooking time 210 minutes
Proteins * 18.9 g
Fats * 9.1 gr.
Carbohydrates* 64.8 g
Bread 750 grams in Mulinex bread maker

We offer a recipe for aromatic bread based on wheat flour with the introduction of a small amount of whole grain. The peculiarity of this particular bread is the addition of sesame oil. We recommend taking the dark variety from roasted beans. It gives a subtle, but very pleasant aroma and a subtle hint of Asian cuisine. Such bread is very tasty in the composition of sandwiches, since it not only plays the role of their base, but also noticeably enriches the overall taste with a pleasant sesame accent. The bread yield according to these proportions is 750 grams.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 9
We recommend using dark sesame oil because it is concentrated and has a more pronounced taste and aroma. A small amount of this oil gives the whole portion of bread a characteristic pleasant aftertaste.
step 2 out of 9
We measure out the indicated amount of water, heat it to a warm state and pour it into the mold. Add sesame oil.
step 3 out of 9
We mix wheat flour of the highest grade with whole grain and sift the resulting dry mixture through a sieve - this will enrich the dough with air and contribute to the airiness of the crumb.
step 4 out of 9
Pour the sifted flour mixture over the liquid in the form. Next, pour salt, granulated sugar, powdered milk and dry yeast into different corners of the bowl.
step 5 out of 9
We put the bowl into the appliance, press the "French roll" program, and indicate the weight of 750 grams. With this program, the crust is always golden and crispy. The bread maker itself determines the baking time, for a given weight it will be three and a half hours.
step 6 out of 9
Press start - the device will start kneading the dough. When the first signal sounds after the start, the kneading phase will be completed and the bread maker will proceed to proofing and then to baking. After the first beep, you can open the lid and add sesame seeds to the dough, if desired. After that, the lid can no longer be opened, otherwise the yeast process will be disrupted.
step 7 out of 9
When the bread maker gives a second signal, it means that the bread baking is over and the bowl can be removed.
step 8 out of 9
We take out the bowl with the browned loaf and carefully turn it over to remove the bread. Carefully remove the dough hook from the bottom of the product.
step 9 out of 9
Place the warm loaf on a wire rack to cool. If you put the bread on a flat surface, condensation will moisten the crust. We recommend cutting the bread after cooling, when the crumb becomes more shaped.

Bon Appetit!


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