Bread with malt in a Redmond bread maker

Kitchen World
Calorie content 272.6 kcal
Portions 1 port.
Cooking time 5 h
Proteins * 12 gr.
Fats * 5.7 g
Carbohydrates* 69.4 g
Bread with malt in a Redmond bread maker

In a modern kitchen, using a bread machine, you can make bread similar to that baked in a real Russian oven. The secret of delicious bread lies in the addition of rye malt, which gives the baked goods a beautiful chocolate color and aroma of rye kvass. Such bread is somewhat reminiscent of Borodinsky in taste.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 10
First, prepare the right amount of all the products for baking malt bread.
step 2 out of 10
Pour vegetable oil into a bucket of a bread machine. It is necessary that the oil gets on the shoulder blades of the bucket, then the dough will not stick to them when kneading.
step 3 out of 10
Then pour a little warmed water into a bucket, add malt, sugar and salt.
step 4 out of 10
Then we pour rye and wheat flour into a bucket, sifting it on a sieve.
step 5 out of 10
Then pour dry yeast on top of the flour.
step 6 out of 10
We close the lid of the bread machine and set the program "French" bread, the weight of the loaf is "1000g", the color of the crust is "Medium", the time should be 3 hours 50 minutes. Turn on the "Start / Stop" button. After the end of the kneading time, open the lid and see what is the state of the dough bun. It should be soft and elastic.
step 7 out of 10
Do not open the lid of the bread machine until the end of the program, otherwise the bread will settle.
step 8 out of 10
After the signal about the end of cooking, transfer the baked bread from the bucket to the wire rack.
step 9 out of 10
Cool the bread by covering the loaf with a towel.
step 10 out of 10
Cut the bread into slices and serve.

Delicious and successful baking!

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