Pork leg jelly and shank in a saucepan

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 116.1 kcal
Portions 6 port.
Cooking time 5 h
Proteins * 5.2 gr.
Fats * 15.1 gr.
Carbohydrates* 5.9 gr.
Pork leg jelly and shank in a saucepan

Such jellied meat is especially good in the cold season: it is hearty, nutritious and helps the body to keep warm. The longest stage in the preparation of a dish is, of course, cooking. The meat should be completely soft and free from the bones. This usually takes at least four to five hours. And the subsequent separation of meat from bones after cooking will already go much faster, especially if there are helpers.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 6
We clean the leg and shank well with a knife - the skin should become light and completely clean. Then we rinse the product with plenty of water.
step 2 out of 6
We put the pork pieces in a large saucepan. The shank, as a rule, is cut into two pieces, since it can be problematic to place it in a saucepan for cooking. Peel the onions and rinse them. We clean and wash the carrots. We put the prepared vegetables on the shank and leg. We also lay bay leaves, salt to taste and peppercorns. Fill with enough water to cover the ingredients by one centimeter.
step 3 out of 6
Place the pot on the stove and bring the contents to a boil. Foam will begin to appear - we must remove it. Reduce heat and cook the pork pieces for at least five hours. The boil should be slow and inactive.
step 4 out of 6
After the end of cooking, remove the pork pieces from the pan. Save the carrots, discard the onions and spices. Strain the broth through a fine sieve.
step 5 out of 6
Separate the meat from the bones. We discard all bones and cartilages. Divide pieces of meat into fibers or cut into pieces. On the bottom of the molds we put slices of boiled carrots, and then - the prepared meat. Peel the garlic, pass it through a press and put a little garlic gruel in each mold on top of the meat. Then fill it with broth.
step 6 out of 6
Let the molds with liquid jellied cool, and then put them in the refrigerator to solidify for several hours. We serve ready-made jellied meat cold with various hot sauces - they well emphasize the meaty taste of the dish and help the body to digest a hearty meal.

Bon Appetit!

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