Bubble crisp dough for pasties on mineral water

Kitchen Caucasian
Calorie content 358.7 kcal
Portions 4 port.
Cooking time 40 minutes
Proteins * 13.5 g
Fats * 13.8 g
Carbohydrates* 110.6 g
Bubble crisp dough for pasties on mineral water

The dough for pasties on mineral water turns out to be simply incredible! Lush, hearty, with beautiful ruddy bubbles - such a dish very quickly disappears from the plates!


Cooking process

step 1 out of 4
Sift the wheat flour with a strainer to fill it with air and remove unnecessary lumps.
step 2 out of 4
Now add granulated sugar, salt, vegetable oil and mineral water to it. We mix all the ingredients thoroughly so that they stick well together and a homogeneous mass is obtained.
step 3 out of 4
We continue to knead the dough with our hands for 5-7 minutes. This can be done in a bowl or on the table, whichever suits you best.
step 4 out of 4
Cover the finished dough with a towel or foil and leave for 20 minutes, this will allow the dough to nourish and become more elastic.

You can start cooking pasties! Bon Appetit!

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