Gingerbread with icing on a stick

Kitchen World
Calorie content 291.6 kcal
Portions 4 port.
Cooking time 35 minutes
Proteins * 16.1 gr.
Fats * 9.7 g
Carbohydrates* 61.4 g
Gingerbread with icing on a stick

An original way to bake homemade gingerbread with icing - on a stick. A bright dessert will decorate your table and delight loved ones with a pleasant taste. A great occasion to gather your family for a cup of tea!


Cooking process

step 1 out of 8
First, sift the flour with baking powder.
step 2 out of 8
We send butter, honey and sugar to metal dishes. We put on a water bath. We heat until we get a smooth liquid mass.
step 3 out of 8
Pour flour into the warm mixture. Add dry spices to this.
step 4 out of 8
Stir the contents until we get an even dense lump. Next, roll it out with a rolling pin.
step 5 out of 8
Cut out the figures necessary for the gingerbread from the dough.
step 6 out of 8
We stick a wooden skewer into each figure. We bake the dessert for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
step 7 out of 8
Let the finished product cool down and at this time prepare the glaze. For this, beat the egg white with powdered sugar and lemon juice.
step 8 out of 8
Decorate the cooled gingerbread cookies with icing and let the delicacy freeze. Ready!

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