Potato casserole with minced meat and tomatoes in the oven

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 106.1 kcal
Portions 4 port.
Cooking time 80 minutes
Proteins * 5.8 gr.
Fats * 9.8 g
Carbohydrates* 3.9 gr.
Potato casserole with minced meat and tomatoes in the oven

Potato casserole with minced meat is always satisfying and nutritious. This dish is suitable for both lunch and dinner. The taste of this casserole is rich and rich, since in addition to minced meat, tomatoes, onions and aromatic spices are added for juiciness and flavoring accents.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 5
Peel the potatoes. We wash the peeled tubers, dry and cut into thin slices. For this, you can use a special knife with a slot or cut with an ordinary sharp knife on the board. The potato slices should be about the same thickness so they can cook evenly. Grease the baking dish with vegetable oil and put the potato slices into it. Sprinkle with salt, paprika, black pepper and stir until each slice is covered with salt, spices and oil. We distribute the potato circles around the entire perimeter of the form and level the surface, forming a layer.
step 2 out of 5
Prepare the sauce for greasing the casserole. To do this, in a separate container, mix sour cream with boiled cold water, add one tablespoon of mayonnaise, mix. Grease a layer of potatoes with the prepared sauce. Peel and cut the onions into thin transparent half rings, distribute them evenly with a second layer after the potatoes greased with sauce.
step 3 out of 5
Put the minced meat in a separate bowl, add an egg, salt to taste and your favorite spices to it. Knead the minced meat well with your hands or with a spoon and put it on the onion. We try to evenly distribute the minced meat in an even layer. Cut the tomato into thin semicircles and put them on the minced meat around the entire perimeter of the form.
step 4 out of 5
Put the mayonnaise on the tomatoes and distribute it in a thin layer (it is convenient to squeeze the mayonnaise out of the bag in the form of a mesh). Top the casserole with grated cheese. Place the casserole dish on the lower level of the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. We cook for an hour, focusing on our oven. The main criterion for readiness is fully baked, soft potatoes.
step 5 out of 5
We take the finished casserole out of the oven, divide it into portions right in the shape with a spatula and serve it to the table. It is in the hot state that it is especially juicy, aromatic and tasty.

Bon Appetit!

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