Cupcake with raisins in milk

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 397.5 kcal
Portions 5 port.
Cooking time 50 minutes
Proteins * 4.6 gr.
Fats * 18.6 gr.
Carbohydrates* 51.6 gr.
Cupcake with raisins in milk

This recipe is a godsend even for the busiest housewives. To prepare it, you will not need to spend hours at the stove, and delicious pastries will not keep you waiting long. Moreover, the ingredients you need for the cake are always at hand. The only thing is that you need to prepare them a little.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 11
Rinse the raisins well using a strainer. Sort it thoroughly, cleaning it from possible debris. Pour the raisins into a bowl, pour boiling water over and allow time to soak.
step 2 out of 11
The raisins should be soaked and swollen. This will allow it to become soft and ready for baking. A cupcake with such raisins will get a softer texture.
step 3 out of 11
Moving on to the rest of the ingredients. Combine the egg with sugar in a convenient container. Don't forget to add a pinch of salt.
step 4 out of 11
We mix all this until uniformity is achieved.
step 5 out of 11
Melt the butter in a water bath before use. Place it in a bowl, put it in a water bath and wait until it is completely melted. The melted butter should not be hot, so that when added to the total mixture, the egg does not stick. Pour milk and melted butter into a work bowl with an egg and sugar mixture.
step 6 out of 11
Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
step 7 out of 11
In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and vanilla. Let's move on to kneading the dough. To do this, gradually and portionwise add flour to the total mass. Stir the dough until smooth. As a result, the dough should be viscous and sticky.
step 8 out of 11
As soon as the raisins are soaked, we take them out of the water and dry them. You can do this on a paper towel.
step 9 out of 11
Stir in the dried raisins into the dough, mix everything.
step 10 out of 11
For this baking, you will need an oven preheated to 200 degrees. We send the resulting dough to the baking dish. Then place the mold in the oven for 25 minutes. It is impossible to miss the readiness of the cake - it will be baked and the crust will become golden brown.
step 11 out of 11
The matter remains small - we take the finished cake out of the oven, cool it down. For external aesthetics, sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar. Dessert is ready!

Enjoy your tea!

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