Cupcake with pieces of chocolate

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 212.7 kcal
Portions 6 port.
Cooking time 60 minutes
Proteins * 5.2 gr.
Fats * 9.4 gr.
Carbohydrates* 34.3 g
Cupcake with pieces of chocolate

The dish presented to your attention will perfectly fit both a festive and everyday menu. In muffins with pieces of chocolate, due to the fact that the dough is mixed with sour cream, there is an aroma of ice cream. And this cannot but make the taste of this delicacy unforgettable.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 8
We take a deep bowl, break eggs and vanillin there. Beat everything well. Pour sour cream into the resulting mass, and then milk. Mix everything thoroughly.
step 2 out of 8
Pre-melted butter must be combined with beaten eggs, sour cream and milk.
step 3 out of 8
We take another deep bowl, which must be dry, and mix wheat flour with sugar, salt and baking powder in it. All this must be gradually introduced into the dough.
step 4 out of 8
Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
step 5 out of 8
Next, you should take the chocolate and grind it. This can be done manually. At the end, we should get small pieces of chocolate, not chocolate chips. Add chopped chocolate to the dough.
step 6 out of 8
The next step is to put the dough into muffin tins. Do not fill the molds completely, as the dough will rise while in the oven.
step 7 out of 8
The filled dough must be sent to the preheated oven for about 40 minutes. Cupcakes are baked at a temperature of 180 degrees.
step 8 out of 8
After the muffins are baked, they need to be cooled. Bon Appetit!

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