Blackcurrant compote for a 3-liter jar for the winter - 5 recipes with a photo step by step

Kitchen Eastern European
Calorie content 162 kcal
Portions 3 l.
Cooking time 65 minutes
Proteins * 1 gr.
Fats * 0.3 g
Carbohydrates* 38.5 g
Blackcurrant compote for a 3-liter jar for the winter - 5 recipes with a photo step by step

Usually jams and preserves are made from black currants, and compotes are quite rare. However, this berry is in vain deprived of the attention of culinary specialists, since blackcurrant compotes are obtained moderately sour and very fragrant. And if you add other ingredients to the compote, then it becomes a real work of art. Blackcurrant compote perfectly quenches thirst and is full of vitamins, which are so lacking in winter.

Blackcurrant compote with orange for the winter

Fresh aromatic compote, which perfectly quenches thirst and pleases with its rich taste with a light citrus note. This compote will appeal to both children and adults, and it is especially good because its taste remains great both hot and cold.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 6
Collect fresh, not overripe blackcurrants and carefully examine them for rotten and spoiled berries - they must be removed so as not to spoil the taste of the workpiece. Rinse the berries thoroughly in cold running water and discard in a colander. Then wash the orange and cut it in half. Measure out the right amount of sugar and consider that the ingredients are prepared.
step 2 out of 6
Put a pot of water on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Pour sugar there, boil until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved and pour the washed currants into the liquid.
step 3 out of 6
Next, cut the orange into slices or circles, peeling it off from it, and send it to the boiling compote. Simmer the mixture over moderate heat for about ten to fifteen minutes.
step 4 out of 6
Pour granulated sugar into the compote, and you can also add various spices - ginger, cinnamon, cloves, if you want a more spicy taste. Boil the compote for another five to ten minutes, while washing and sterilizing the compote jar and lid.
step 5 out of 6
Pour the finished hot compote into a jar and quickly tighten it with a sterile lid, then cool the workpiece upside down and wrap it with a blanket or bedspread.
step 6 out of 6
The finished compote looks very rich and attractive in color and has a wonderful aroma. It can be served both cold and warmed up - if the winter is cold and you want a little coziness. Bon Appetit!

Blackcurrant compote with cinnamon

The warm, cozy and rich taste of this compote will come in handy on a cold autumn or winter evening. If you add a little more spices to this compote, then it will slightly resemble non-alcoholic mulled wine. Be sure to prepare at least a jar for the winter and you will not regret it.


  • Black currant - 300 gr.
  • Sugar - 250 gr.
  • Cinnamon - 2 sticks
  • Drinking water - 3 liters.

Cooking process:

  1. Collect fresh blackcurrants, just not overripe and without any tainted, mashed berries.Carefully separate the fruits from the twigs and rinse with plenty of cold water, changing the water several times or using a colander.
  2. After you prepare the berries, put a saucepan with three liters of drinking water on the fire and at the same time start preparing a jar for compote. It must be thoroughly washed in running water with mustard powder or soda, and then sterilized with boiling water, steam or in the oven. A microwave sterilization option is also possible.
  3. In a sterile jar, carefully put the berries and two cinnamon sticks, add granulated sugar. When the water in the saucepan boils, pour it into the jar of berries, making sure that the jar is free of chips or cracks, and placing a long metal object like a spoon or fork inside the jar.
  4. Quickly roll up the jar of hot compote with a lid using a seamer, and then turn the jar upside down. In this position, the jar should cool for at least a day to make sure that the glass does not crack or burst. Then you can put the blank for storage in a pantry, closet or cellar.
  5. Opened currant compote must be stored in the refrigerator, sealed with a nylon lid or tied with clean gauze. In a pantry, such a seaming takes up to two years.

Blackcurrant fruit drink

From black currant, you can prepare not only wine, compote or jam, but also an excellent fruit drink, which will save you from colds in the cold winter. In terms of time, the harvesting process will take away very little from you, but you can fully enjoy the result on any cold day.


  • Black currant - 400 gr.
  • Sugar - 250 gr.
  • Drinking water - 3 liters.

Cooking process:

  1. Choose the most beautiful and ripe currant berries that are not overripe and have no spoiled sides or rottenness. Carefully wash the berries in a colander under cold running water, sorting and turning the berries so as not to damage them. Be sure to take out the twigs and leaves, and let the berries drain.
  2. Wash a three-liter jar without chips or cracks in hot running water using mustard powder or baking soda, and then gently sterilize it in the oven or microwave.
  3. While the jar is being sterilized, place a container of drinking water on the stove and bring it to a boil. Also at this time, grind the berries with a blender into a homogeneous puree, or you can rub the berries through a sieve.
  4. Gently place the grated berries in a sterile jar, add granulated sugar and pour boiling water into the jar. Quickly roll up the jar with a sterile lid and gently swirl the jar up and down and side to side to dissolve the sugar.
  5. Put the jar with the prepared hot fruit drink upside down and cover with a blanket or blanket until it cools completely. If the bank does not crack and does not start leaking within 24 hours, you can safely put it in a cellar or closet for storage. The ready-made fruit drink can be served both hot and cold. Bon Appetit!

Blackcurrant and gooseberry compote for the winter

From garden berries, you can make an incredible variety of jams, fruit drinks and compote, jelly and jam. Currants and gooseberries often "live" in the neighborhood, so the combination of these berries is very popular in the preparation of compotes. For this compote, you can take any kind of gooseberry, be it small and shaggy or large and smooth.


  • Black currant - 350 gr.
  • Gooseberry - 200 gr.
  • Sugar - 250 gr.
  • Drinking water - 3 liters.

Cooking process:

  1. Select ripe, fresh gooseberries and black currants. Remove the twigs from the black currant berries immediately, and then place all the berries in a basin with plenty of cold water. Rinse the berries gently, then change the water and rinse them again. Repeat the procedure twice.
  2. When you wash the berries, let them drain.At this time, rinse the jar of mustard powder under hot running water and sterilize it in your usual way - using a microwave, oven or steam. Then carefully remove the tails from the gooseberry fruit.
  3. When you sterilize the jar, pour the berries into it, and pour in a saucepan with clean drinking water and bring it to a boil. Pour granulated sugar into a jar of berries and pour boiling water over the berries. Let it brew for half an hour.
  4. Pour the liquid from the jar back into the saucepan and bring to a boil again. When the liquid boils, pour it back into the jar of berries and quickly roll up the jar using a sterile lid and a seaming machine.
  5. Turn the jar of blackcurrant and gooseberry compote upside down and cover with a blanket, blanket or warm towel. After 24 hours, remove the workpiece for long-term storage in a specially designed dark place with a moderate temperature.

Sugar-free blackcurrant compote for the winter

Blackcurrant compote can be prepared without the use of sugar and other preservatives, so the compote turns out to be absolutely dietary and perfectly suited for combination with alcoholic beverages. In addition, such compote can also be given to children - slightly diluting it with clean water.


  • Black currant - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Drinking water - 3 liters.

Cooking process:

  1. First, sort out the berries and remove all rotten, lethargic and cracked fruits. This is a very important step, so be careful about it. Then dip the berries in a bowl of cold water and, changing the water several times, gently rinse the berries. Place them in a colander and let the water drain.
  2. Also rinse the lid and the seaming jar in running hot water, using mustard powder or baking soda as a detergent. Next, steam the jar for five to seven minutes, or use the oven, but this is noticeably longer.
  3. In a saucepan, boil three liters of drinking water and pour in boiling water in a jar, where you place the currant berries in advance. Place the drain lid on the jar and pour the liquid back into the pot. In a separate container, boil the seaming lid, and bring the liquid from the can to a boil again.
  4. When the liquid boils, pour it into the jar up to the very neck and quickly roll it up with a seaming key with a hot sterile lid. Then turn the jar upside down, wrap it up thoroughly and cool in the room for 24 hours. If during this time the jar does not crack and the compote does not begin to flow through the lid, store the product in a cool, dark place.
  5. Such a blank will live in your cellar for up to a year, no longer. You can combine this compote with others, use it as a base for drinks, add spices and sugar to taste, or drink it in its original form.

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