Raspberry and strawberry compote in a 3-liter jar for the winter

Kitchen World
Calorie content 162 kcal
Portions 3 l.
Cooking time 50 minutes
Proteins * 0.8 gr.
Fats * 0.5 gr.
Carbohydrates* 38.6 gr.
Raspberry and strawberry compote in a 3-liter jar for the winter

From raspberries and strawberries, these wonderful gifts of nature, you can prepare an exquisite compote with a unique aroma and taste for the winter. To keep the drink well, it is important to rinse thoroughly, especially the strawberries, and sterilize the jars and lids. The berries are quite sweet, so a lot of sugar is not added to them, and the amount and proportion of berries can be changed to your liking.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 9
Rinse the compote strawberries thoroughly with cold water to wash off all the sand, and then carefully separate the sepals.
step 2 out of 9
Raspberries, if you have a garden one, remove the sepals and simply rinse with cold water.
step 3 out of 9
Then measure out the right amount of berries and sugar according to the recipe.
step 4 out of 9
Rinse the compote jar with baking soda and sterilize in any way, boil the lid. Pour clean berries into the prepared jar.
step 5 out of 9
In a separate saucepan, boil clean water and dissolve the measured amount of sugar in it. Boil the syrup for 2-3 minutes.
step 6 out of 9
With boiling syrup, carefully so that the glass of the jar does not burst, pour the raspberries and strawberries, filling it to the top of the neck.
step 7 out of 9
Then immediately seal the jar tightly with a special key or a seaming machine.
step 8 out of 9
Check the tightness of the seaming and put the jar on the lid. Cover the jar with compote for 1 day with a thick towel.
step 9 out of 9
Raspberry and strawberry compote in a 3-liter jar is ready. After cooling, store it in a cool, dark place.
Happy and tasty preparations!

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