Plum and pear compote for 1 liter jar for the winter

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 49.2 kcal
Portions 2 p.
Cooking time 35 minutes
Proteins * 0.2 g
Fats * 0.1 g
Carbohydrates* 12 gr.
Plum and pear compote for 1 liter jar for the winter

Today we will prepare a wonderful plum and pear compote. A fragrant honey pear goes well with a ripe juicy plum in taste, turning our compote into a delicious, full-bodied drink. It will perfectly quench your thirst, complement your festive and everyday table, and also make an excellent addition to a slice of homemade pie or hot pancakes.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 5
We select dense and ripe plums. We wash them in running water and put them in a colander. We leave for 15-20 minutes so that they drain from the water.
step 2 out of 5
We wash the pears under running water, put them on a kitchen towel and leave them for 10-15 minutes to dry from the water. Then, using a vegetable cutter, peel off the peel from them, cut in half and remove the stalk and core. Then we cut the pears into slices.
step 3 out of 5
We wash the compote jar with baking soda, rinse well with warm water and sterilize over steam for 7-10 minutes. We leave the sterilized jar for 10-15 minutes so that it cools down a little. Then we put chopped pears and prepared plums in a jar.
step 4 out of 5
Put the pot of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Pour boiling water into a jar to the fruit, cover with a boiled lid and leave for 10-15 minutes for the fruit to steam a little. Then we put on the nozzle with holes on the jar and pour the water back into the pan. Add sugar, stir and put the pan on fire. Bring the syrup to a boil and remove from heat.
step 5 out of 5
Add citric acid to the fruit jar and pour hot syrup. We close the jar tightly with a lid, turn it upside down and check the tightness. Then cover the jar with a warm blanket and leave the compote until it cools completely at room temperature. Then we put it away for storage in a dark, cool place.

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