Plum compote in 1 liter jars for the winter

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 66.8 kcal
Portions 1 l.
Cooking time 35 minutes
Proteins * 0.2 g
Fats * 0.1 g
Carbohydrates* 16.5 g
Plum compote in 1 liter jars for the winter

Plum compote made by double pouring is simple, quick and tasty. We put the plums in a prepared jar, added sugar and cinnamon, poured boiling water over it, kept it for a while, then drained the water, boiled it again, poured it and rolled it up. Adjust the amount of sugar in the compote to your taste and depending on the taste of the plums. Cinnamon gives compote a unique aroma that goes well with plums.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 6
We wash the plums in warm running water, remove the leaves and stalks. Put on a kitchen towel and leave for 10-15 minutes to dry a little.
step 2 out of 6
We wash the compote jar with baking soda and rinse well with running water. Then we sterilize the jar over steam for 3-5 minutes. Put prepared plums in a sterilized jar.
step 3 out of 6
Pour granulated sugar into a jar and add a cinnamon stick.
step 4 out of 6
Fill the contents of the jar with boiling water, first to half, let it stand for about a minute, then until the neck of the jar. Cover the jar with a lid and leave it for 15-20 minutes to disinfect the plum, dissolve the sugar, and nourish the compote with its amazing aroma.
step 5 out of 6
After the time has elapsed, remove the lid from the jar, put on the nozzle with holes and pour the compote into the pan. We put the pan on the fire, bring the contents to a boil and pour it back into the jar. Close the jar tightly with a lid.
step 6 out of 6
Turn the jar of compote upside down, check for leaks, cover with a terry towel and leave to cool completely at room temperature. Then we remove the compote in a cool dark place for storage.

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