Yellow plum and apple compote for the winter in a 3 liter jar

Kitchen World
Calorie content 48.9 kcal
Portions 3 l.
Cooking time 60 minutes
Proteins * 0.2 g
Fats * 0.1 g
Carbohydrates* 12 gr.
Yellow plum and apple compote for the winter in a 3 liter jar

An incredibly beautiful compote from an aesthetic point of view, which envelops the room with light. Ripe yellow plum along with juicy apples will be an excellent substitute for imported fruits and purchased juices. Also, the cooking process itself cannot but please, which in turn is as clear and simple as possible.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 5
Initially pour over the apples with boiling water, then rinse them thoroughly and set them aside. In the meantime, let's move on to the drain.
step 2 out of 5
We also wash it well and, if necessary, soak it so that the fruits are surely clean.
step 3 out of 5
Cut all the fruits into medium-sized slices and cover them with granulated sugar. Thus, after standing for 30 minutes, they will be able to start up the juice.
step 4 out of 5
Then we send a pot of water to the fire, bring the liquid to a boil and lower the prepared fruits into it. Cook after boiling for a maximum of 5 minutes.
step 5 out of 5
In parallel with the preparation of the ingredients, we sterilize the jars previously washed with soda. They can be sent to the oven, microwave, or sterilized using steam. Pour the hot compote into prepared jars and, if desired, sterilize it by dropping it into a saucepan with boiling water.
Enjoy your meal!

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