Charlotte Sponge Cake Cream

Kitchen World
Calorie content 277.9 kcal
Portions 4 port.
Cooking time 35 minutes
Proteins * 6.8 g
Fats * 7.3 gr.
Carbohydrates* 42.2 g
Charlotte Sponge Cake Cream

Charlotte cream is a delicious filling for a sponge cake. Delicate, airy, with an incredible aroma, it soaks the cakes well and makes the dessert exquisite and unique!


Cooking process

step 1 out of 8
In a small saucepan, combine the egg and milk.
step 2 out of 8
Now add granulated sugar to the mixture and stir.
step 3 out of 8
We send the mixture to the fire and bring it to a boil. At the same time, do not forget to stir so that it does not burn. Then we reduce the heat and continue to cook for 2-3 minutes so that the mixture becomes homogeneous and slightly thickened.
step 4 out of 8
We filter the finished mixture through a strainer.
step 5 out of 8
We remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it softens and can be easily whipped. Beat the butter at low speed using a mixer.
step 6 out of 8
Now gradually add the egg-milk mass to it and continue to beat until smooth.
step 7 out of 8
Add cognac and stir with a spoon.
step 8 out of 8
Now add vanillin and stir everything well again. Beat the cream into an airy mass.

Bon Appetit!

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