Lazy stuffed cabbage rolls like in kindergarten

Many people remember those delicious lazy cabbage rolls from kindergarten. But for some reason, not everyone manages to cook them at home. What is their secret? First of all, it is the use of quality products. And yet - so many cabbage rolls were always made by Soviet workers in the oven. Therefore, carefully go over the recipes that we offer and try to please yourself and your loved ones with the taste from your childhood.

Top 10 Most Used Ingredients in Lazy Cabbage Rolls

Product 100g Kcal Protein Fats Carbohydrates
Onion 41 1.4 0.2 8.2
White cabbage 25 1.3 0.1 3.3
Carrot 35 1.3 0.1 6.9
White rice 365 7.1 0.7 78.7
Vegetable oil 899 0 99.9 0
Minced meat 165.9 14.7 11.6 0.7
Tomato paste 53.8 2.5 0.7 9.7
Sour cream 206 2.5 20 3.4
Garlic 14.9 0.7 0 3
Wheat flour 334 10.3 1.1 68.9