Buckwheat muffins

Kitchen American
Calorie content 264.2 kcal
Portions 10 port.
Cooking time 40 minutes
Proteins * 7.4 gr.
Fats * 6.2 gr.
Carbohydrates* 59.9 gr.
Buckwheat muffins

I would like to offer an unusual and interesting recipe for buckwheat flour muffins. The baked goods have a characteristic buckwheat flavor. And if you do not like buckwheat, then it is better to find yourself another suitable recipe or cook half a portion - suddenly you will like it. The texture of the dough is light and airy.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 6
Measure out the required amount of buckwheat flour and sift it through a sieve into a deep container.
step 2 out of 6
Add baking powder, baking soda, salt and granulated sugar. Mix thoroughly.
Add baking powder and mix thoroughly.
step 3 out of 6
Pour the required amount of milk and vegetable oil into a deep container. Add chicken eggs and yogurt. Mix thoroughly with a mixer until smooth. You can also use a whisk or hand blender.
step 4 out of 6
Gradually add liquid ingredients to dry ingredients and mix with a mixer, blender or whisk until smooth.
step 5 out of 6
Sort out the prunes from the garbage. Rinse it thoroughly under running water, and leave it for a while to allow excess moisture in the glass. Then cut into small cubes and place in the dough. Mix thoroughly with a mixer until smooth.
step 6 out of 6
Fill the silicone molds 2/3 of the height with dough. Place in a preheated oven to 180 degrees. Bake muffins for about 20-25 minutes. Check readiness with a toothpick. It must be completely dry. Carefully remove the muffins, cool slightly, and then remove from the silicone molds. Serve the finished buckwheat muffins.

Bon Appetit!

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