Milk muffins with cocoa

Kitchen American
Calorie content 250.3 kcal
Portions 2 port.
Cooking time 35 minutes
Proteins * 10.4 g
Fats * 9.6 gr.
Carbohydrates* 53.2 g
Milk muffins with cocoa

For big lovers of homemade sweet pastries, I recommend using this easy recipe and making incredible-tasting muffins in milk and cocoa. Muffins can be decorated as you wish and served even for a festive celebration.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 11
Prepare all the ingredients needed to make the cocoa milk muffins.
step 2 out of 11
Break a chicken egg into a deep container. Then add the required amount of granulated sugar. Stir thoroughly using a whisk or mixer until smooth. You can also use a hand blender.
step 3 out of 11
Add the amount of cocoa indicated in the recipe. Use a whisk or mixer to mix thoroughly again so that there are no lumps.
step 4 out of 11
Measure out the required amount of flour and sift it through a fine sieve into a separate deep container. Add baking powder and mix thoroughly.
step 5 out of 11
Gradually add the dry ingredients to the whipped chocolate mass.
step 6 out of 11
Pour vegetable oil and milk into the resulting dough. Mix thoroughly with a mixer, blender or whisk until smooth.
step 7 out of 11
Fill the silicone molds with the prepared dough to 2/3 of the height. Place the molds on the prepared baking sheet.
step 8 out of 11
Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven to 200 degrees. Bake muffins for about 20-25 minutes. Check the readiness of the dessert with a toothpick or wooden skewer.
step 9 out of 11
After the time has elapsed, carefully so as not to burn your hands, remove the baking sheet with muffins. Let the muffins cool slightly and then remove from the silicone molds.
step 10 out of 11
Put the prepared muffins on milk with cocoa on a dish, lightly sprinkle with powdered sugar and garnish with fresh raspberries.
step 11 out of 11
Serve the chocolate dessert. The structure of homemade baked goods is porous and airy.

Bon Appetit!

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