Lightly salted cucumbers in a package

If you want to quickly make a delicious appetizer for the table, prepare lightly salted cucumbers in a bag. This does not take much time and effort, just choose the right recipe and follow the step-by-step instructions. Crispy, juicy, mouth-watering cucumbers will appeal to both your loved ones and guests. Such a delicacy will not stay on your table for a long time.

Lightly salted dry-salted cucumbers in a bag

Lightly salted cucumbers per day in a package

Lightly salted cucumbers for 2 hours in a package

Lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and dill in a bag

Lightly salted cucumbers with salt and sugar in a bag

Sliced ​​lightly salted cucumbers in a bag

Lightly salted cucumbers with vinegar in a bag

Lightly salted cucumbers

Cooking lightly salted cucumbers does not require much time and special skills. You just need to stock up on fresh fruits, herbs, spices. At the same time, you can get a delicious appetizer for the second courses in just a few hours. To do this, just use the recipe for quick pickling of cucumbers in a bag. It is easy to do, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Seasonings and spices for the preparation of lightly salted cucumbers

Additional ingredients are of great importance for proper pickling of cucumbers. These include various spices and herbs. In classic recipes, a standard set is used: salt, fresh dill, garlic. To impart a sweet and sour taste to the fruits, additionally use vinegar, honey, chili pepper, allspice, parsley.

There are Asian recipes for pickling cucumbers. Soy sauce, ginger, lemon, sesame seeds and granulated sugar are added here. The choice of ingredients depends on the tastes and preferences of the household. Indeed, in any case, cucumbers are salted equally quickly in a package.

The classic method of dry pickling in a bag

To quickly cook lightly salted cucumbers, you need to take a food plastic bag. It should be hole-free and tight enough. Prepare vegetables - choose small or medium cucumbers with pimples, wash thoroughly. If the fruits are not quite fresh, then they are placed in a bowl of cold water and left for half an hour. Then the liquid is drained, the cucumbers are wiped with a towel, the ends are cut off.

Recommendation. The taste of cucumbers will be more intense and pleasant if they are pre-cut into slices or halves. Some housewives divide the fruit into 4-8 parts in length. This method speeds up the pickling process, and the product is ready to eat in 2 hours.

Seasonings and spices are added to the prepared vegetables. They also need to be thoroughly rinsed and dried. Chop the greens, chop the garlic finely, or halve each clove.

First, cucumbers are laid out in a bag, salt, spices and herbs on top. Cellophane is tightly tied, then the contents are shaken for several minutes.This is necessary so that all components are well mixed and each cucumber evenly absorbs the aromas and tastes of additional products. The filled bag is left for 30 minutes at room temperature. Next, the snack is placed in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours or overnight.

Recommendation. Within 4-5 hours, the cellophane with the contents in the refrigerator must be shaken periodically. This will help the cucumbers quickly absorb all the flavors of the spices and herbs.

The cucumber bag does not need to be refrigerated. A future snack can be left to salt for 4-6 hours at room temperature. Moreover, every hour it is required to turn the cellophane with the contents over.

Asian variant of salting

The Korean or Chinese way of pickling will appeal to fans of unusual tastes. The selection of vegetables, the whole cooking process remain the same as in the classic recipe. The only difference is that no herbs are used here, but rather soy sauce, ginger root, lemon juice, sesame seeds and sugar are added.

In this recipe, cucumbers are recommended to be presented in the form of thin strips, spirals, circles. Ginger and garlic are also processed and minced with a grater. First, the marinade is prepared - soy sauce, salt, granulated sugar are added to the ginger-garlic mass, lemon juice is squeezed out. Cucumbers are placed in a bag, poured with a fragrant marinade on top. Chili can be added for spice, and sesame seeds can be added for an unusual taste and appetizer.

Shake cellophane with food, place in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. This time is enough for the cucumbers to become lightly salted.

Sweet and sour salted cucumbers in a bag for a couple of hours

The originality of this salting method lies in the fact that the fruits become fragrant, slightly salty and at the same time acquire a sweet and sour taste. All this is possible thanks to honey and vinegar.

For salting, a dense bag, fresh cucumbers, and a set of components are required: parsley, dill, allspice, peas, garlic, honey, vinegar and salt. Add chili to the marinade if desired.

For accelerated salting within 1.5-2 hours, you need to grind the fruits. Greens, garlic are also chopped. Honey and vinegar are mixed separately. Cucumbers are placed first in the bag, greens and garlic, pepper on top. At the end, a mixture of vinegar and honey is added.

Recommendation. This recipe requires liquid honey for easy mixing. Otherwise, the thick mass can be diluted with a little water.

Shake cellophane with cucumbers for 1-2 minutes and refrigerate for 2 hours.

Using any method of pickling in a bag, you can get delicious, crunchy and aromatic cucumbers in a few hours.