Lightly salted cucumbers

Lightly salted cucumbers for a 3 liter jar

Lightly salted cucumbers with vinegar

Lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water

Lightly salted cucumbers in hot brine in a saucepan

Lightly salted cucumbers with mustard

Lightly salted cucumbers

You can get lightly salted crispy cucumbers within a few hours or 3-4 days. It all depends on the choice of a suitable container, the method of salting and the desire to quickly taste a delicious snack. Before starting the pickling process, you need to choose not only vegetables correctly. Spices and herbs play an important role. Together they give the finished product an incredible aroma and taste.

What spices and herbs are used for pickling?

For any salting technology, small and uniform cucumbers with pimples are chosen. This is necessary so that each fruit has time to absorb the right amount of salt and aroma of spices. Before salting, vegetables are thoroughly washed, poured with ordinary running water and left alone for 30-40 minutes. The liquid is then drained off and no longer used. The cucumbers are dried with a towel, the ends are cut off.

Almost the same ingredients are used in different recipes. Salt, granulated sugar, garlic, bay leaves, dill, peppercorns are traditionally added to cucumbers. Some housewives use carrots, cloves, horseradish leaves, cherries, currants.

In which one is better to cook lightly salted cucumbers?

For the salting process, the following are usually used:

  1. enamel pot
  2. glass jar
  3. plastic food bag.

Depending on how quickly you need to get salted cucumbers, choose the appropriate container.

The subtleties of salting in an enamel container

Cucumbers in an enamel bowl become lightly salted within 1-3 days. Before starting the salting process, you need to pay attention to the surface of such a container. It should not have chips, scratches, cracks, otherwise the products will oxidize, substances harmful to human health will get into the brine.

For the marinade, not only a saucepan is suitable, but also an enamel bowl, a bowl of a suitable size and shape. The main thing is to be able to place some kind of weight for the press on top of the fruit.

It is allowed to pour cucumbers with cold boiled water. In this case, the marinating process will last longer. Therefore, in most cases, housewives bring water with bay leaves, peppercorns, salt and granulated sugar to a boil. After that, they wait for the liquid to cool down to 50 degrees. Then brine water is poured into a saucepan with ready-made vegetables and left for a day at room temperature. This way the cucumbers pickle faster and are ready to eat in a couple of days.

Using a glass jar

Many housewives use 2-3 liter glass jars. The container is pre-prepared, washed and sterilized by pouring boiling water over it. After that, the jar is placed with its open neck on a prepared clean towel so that the excess water drains out completely.

The glass jar can be microwave sterilized if the size of the appliance allows. After the container is washed out, a little water is poured into it (3 cm high from the bottom of the can) at room temperature. The jar of liquid is placed sideways in the microwave. Sterilization is carried out within 2 minutes after boiling water.

For brine, water with spices is brought to a boil and immediately poured into jars, left for 24 hours at room temperature. After that, the cucumbers are laid out on a plate.

Cooking quick pickled cucumbers in a bag

There is the fastest way to cook lightly salted cucumbers in 3-4 hours. In this case, the choice of fruits, spices and seasonings remains the same as when pickling in an enamel bowl or glass jar. The difference is that you do not need water to quickly get salted fruits, but a food plastic bag is required. It must be very dense, without holes, so that the result will please the household.

The size of the bag is determined by the number of ingredients that need to be placed in it. The fruits are pre-cooked, dried with a towel. Use chopped greens, crushed garlic. Together with spices, all products are placed in a bag. The contents are thoroughly mixed. To do this, shake the bag for 3 minutes. Then leave it for 1 hour at room temperature.

In order for the cucumbers to evenly absorb the salt and taste of other components, the bag with the contents is shaken periodically. Then the fruits in cellophane are removed in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

The cucumbers in the bag will acquire a more interesting shade and pleasant taste if they are marinated with chopped horseradish and ginger roots. In summer, it is recommended to add blackcurrant and cherry leaves.

Cucumbers cooked in a plastic bag do not leave for several days. The fruits are eaten immediately, otherwise they become very salty. Therefore, you need to correctly calculate the number of fruits.

The information provided will help housewives to prepare lightly salted cucumbers quickly and efficiently. The main thing is to know the intricacies of choosing fruits, containers and spices.