Cucumbers with aspirin under a nylon lid

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 36.6 kcal
Portions 3 l.
Cooking time 4 hours
Proteins * 0.5 gr.
Fats * 0.1 g
Carbohydrates* 8.7 g
Cucumbers with aspirin under a nylon lid

Not so long ago, I learned the family secret of pickles with aspirin under a nylon lid. Even if you are not very fond of preserving, then you will certainly like this recipe, and its preparation will not be difficult.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 8
For cucumbers, select fresh, small vegetables. Wash them well, and then put them in a deep container and cover with cold water. Leave to soak for about 2-3 hours.
step 2 out of 8
Then drain and rinse the cucumbers under cold water. Cut off the ends.
step 3 out of 8
Peel the garlic and then rinse in running water. Rinse the leaves of oak, black currant, horseradish and cherries well under cold water, then shake off excess moisture. Peel the horseradish root, then rinse under water and cut into small pieces.
step 4 out of 8
Wash the jar in which you will salt the cucumbers thoroughly in warm water with baking soda, and then sterilize in a water bath. Place half of the leaves of black currant, oak, cherry and horseradish at the bottom of a sterile jar, also add umbrellas of dried dill, horseradish root and cloves of garlic.
step 5 out of 8
Fill the jar well with cucumbers, and put the remaining leaves on top.
step 6 out of 8
Prepare the brine. Pour the required amount of water into a saucepan with a thick bottom, and then add the required amount of granulated sugar and salt, mix well. Put the saucepan with the contents on the fire and bring to a boil, boil the brine for just a few minutes. Gently pour the boiling brine over the jars of cucumbers. Add aspirin tablets to each jar.
step 7 out of 8
Pour boiling water over the nylon lid.
step 8 out of 8
Close the jar well with a nylon lid, and then turn it upside down and wrap it up with a warm blanket. Leave in this position until completely cooled, then turn over and transfer them to a cool place for storage. You can also store these cucumbers in the refrigerator.

Bon Appetit!

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