Curd pancakes

Delicious and healthy cottage cheese pancakes are a dish that can delight everyone. If you do not add wheat flour to them, then you can make them a pleasant addition to the breakfast for those who care about their health and shape. Cook them with berries and fruits, serve with jam, sour cream or condensed milk - there are a lot of options.

Top 10 Most Used Ingredients in Fritters

Product 100g Kcal Protein Fats Carbohydrates
Cottage cheese 103.7 8.8 1.3 13.7
Wheat flour 334 10.3 1.1 68.9
Vegetable oil 899 0 99.9 0
Granulated sugar 399 0 0 100
Kefir 41 3.6 1.5 3.6
Apples 47 0.4 0.4 9.8
Zucchini 24 0.6 0.3 4.6
Garlic 14.9 0.7 0 3
Vanillin 351 0.1 0.1 87.6
Banana 96 1.5 0.5 21