Pizza with yogurt in a pan

Kitchen World
Calorie content 164.4 kcal
Portions 4 port.
Cooking time 10 min.
Proteins * 7 gr.
Fats * 8.8 g
Carbohydrates* 27.7 g
Pizza with yogurt in a pan

Admit it, has it ever happened to you that you want to pamper yourself with a slice of hearty flavored pizza, and the prospect of preheating the oven to bake a couple of small slices does not seem so tempting? Or maybe you don't have an oven at all? Then this recipe is perfect for you!

Tip: Of course, you can change the filling of the pizza for yourself, add tomatoes, pickles, meat, pineapples - in a word, whatever your heart desires.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 10
First of all, you need to knead the dough. To do this, thoroughly mix the dry ingredients, namely flour, salt, sugar and baking powder in a deep bowl.
step 2 out of 10
Melt the butter and gradually stir it into the dry mixture until a fluffy mass is obtained. If necessary, the creamy little can be replaced with vegetable or margarine.
step 3 out of 10
Next, add sour cream or yogurt to the bowl, which, if desired, are also replaced with fatty kefir, or another similar dairy product. Knead the dough until you get a smooth lump that won't stick to your hands. Lubricate it with a small amount of vegetable oil, tighten the bowl with plastic wrap so that the dough does not wind up, and put it in a warm place for 10-15 minutes. It is not necessary to wait that long, but then the dough will be less elastic and it will be harder to work with it, so now you can start preparing the filling for the future pizza.
step 4 out of 10
After a while, remove the dough from the bowl and roll out on a pre-floured surface. The size and thickness can be varied as desired. You can show your imagination and roll out the layer not to the size of a frying pan, but, for example, divide it into several parts and make the basics for portioned mini-pizzas.
step 5 out of 10
In order not to accidentally get a hollow cake, carefully poke holes in the base with a fork. This will prevent it from puffing up too much when frying.
step 6 out of 10
It's time for frying. Heat a greased frying pan and put the resulting base on it under the lid and keep it on low heat for several minutes until golden brown. When it meets your requirements, gently turn the cake over with the other side down.
step 7 out of 10
Brush the browned side with your favorite sauce, not reaching the edge about a centimeter.
step 8 out of 10
Lightly sprinkle the base with grated cheese and top with the filling.
step 9 out of 10
Pour the remaining cheese on top, add pepper and other spices, if you wish, you can decorate with rings of olives.
step 10 out of 10
Cover your pizza with a lid and hold it there for a while. To be sure, you can lower the fire a little more. On average, the waiting time is about 10 minutes, but since everything is individual, look at the degree of meltedness of the cheese and the softness of the vegetables.As soon as it seems to you that they are perfect - feel free to remove the pan from the heat, put the pizza on your plate and enjoy the result.
Bon Appetit!

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