Lean yeast dough for pies in the oven

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 140.4 kcal
Portions 4 port.
Cooking time 15 minutes.
Proteins * 4 gr.
Fats * 4.9 gr.
Carbohydrates* 38 gr.
Lean yeast dough for pies in the oven

We offer a simple recipe for lean pastry dough. Products with it are soft and airy, and the filling can be used as you like. So that the crust on the pies is well browned and shines beautifully, grease it with a beaten egg before baking. If you cannot use eggs, then you can simply sprinkle the surface of the products with water from a fine spray bottle, or grease the pies with a silicone brush with sweet tea.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 6
Pour the indicated amount of water into a bowl. It should be warm - about forty degrees. Pour granulated sugar, salt into it and put crumbled yeast. Stir well with a whisk so that all grains and crystals dissolve. Then pour in odorless vegetable oil, mix. Sift the flour and begin to pour it into the liquid mixture in parts.
step 2 out of 6
When the mass becomes already difficult to interfere with with a whisk, we go to work with our hands. Sprinkle the surface of the table with flour and spread the dough on it. We knead with our hands so that it absorbs the flour and begins to keep its shape.
step 3 out of 6
The mass should be elastic, soft, not sticky to your hands.
step 4 out of 6
Roll the kneaded dough into a smooth ball, place it in a bowl greased with vegetable oil and tighten with cling film. We put it in a warm place for thirty to forty minutes. During this time, the mass will double, become spongy and lush.
step 5 out of 6
Use your fingers to pierce the surface of the dough - it will fall off. Tighten the bowl again with plastic wrap and leave to rise again - it will also take about forty minutes.
step 6 out of 6
The matched dough is ready to use. We put it on the table, sprinkled with flour, and cut it into pieces, according to the desired size of the pies. The filling is suitable for both sweet and salty. Before placing the shaped patties in the oven for baking, leave them for fifteen to twenty minutes in a warm place to rise - this will make the finished dough more porous and softer.
Bon Appetit!

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