Chocolate muffin with cocoa

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 294.8 kcal
Portions 6 port.
Cooking time 60 minutes
Proteins * 8.8 g
Fats * 11.7 g
Carbohydrates* 38.3 g
Chocolate muffin with cocoa

Cupcake is a versatile dessert that will delight in the morning at breakfast or become part of the festive tea party. The cake prepared according to this recipe will surprise you with its structure, sweet aroma and chocolate taste.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 7
We turn on the oven to heat up to 200 degrees. Let's go directly to cooking. Combine cocoa powder, granulated sugar, milk and butter in a saucepan.
step 2 out of 7
We put the saucepan with the contents on medium heat and wait for the granulated sugar to dissolve. It is necessary to bring it almost to a boil, but the mixture cannot be boiled.
step 3 out of 7
Turn off the gas and let the chocolate mixture cool down. After that, drive the eggs into the pan. We knead everything thoroughly.
step 4 out of 7
Then add flour and knead the dough.
step 5 out of 7
We send soda slaked with vinegar to the total mass.
step 6 out of 7
Stir all ingredients again. The preparatory work has been completed. We send the dough to the cake pan. Then we send the cake to bake for 40 minutes in a preheated oven. You can make sure that the dough is ready with a wooden skewer - if it is dry after piercing, then the baking is ready.
step 7 out of 7
Let the cake cool and you can treat yourself to it. If time permits, you can send the cake wrapped in plastic wrap to the refrigerator at night, it will be even tastier in the morning.

Enjoy your tea!

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Comments (1) 1

SONIA AFONINA 12-05-2021 11:24
looks great! For my aunt on May 19, I want to make three pluses: 1+ a simple recipe 2+ quickly cook 3+ beautifully.

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