Chocolate cream ganache for cake

Kitchen French
Calorie content 327.5 kcal
Portions 3 port.
Cooking time 20 minutes.
Proteins * 4.4 gr.
Fats * 21.7 g
Carbohydrates* 42.9 g
Chocolate cream ganache for cake

Ganache is a very "convenient" cake cream. It has an excellent property due to the chocolate included in the composition - to keep its shape steadily. Another interesting feature is the ability to adjust the density of the ganache by adding different amounts of cream. A thicker cream is usually needed to flatten the cake. It is for this option that the proportions indicated in the recipe are designed. If you need a lighter ganache, for a layer of cakes, you can increase the amount of cream and get a less dense texture.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 5
It is worth mentioning that the higher the percentage of cocoa butter in the chocolate, the more dense the ganache is. For an adequate consistency according to these proportions, we recommend using a product with a cocoa percentage of about 70%. Grind the chocolate into small pieces: you can chop it with a knife or rub it on a coarse grater.
step 2 out of 5
Pour cream into a saucepan or a small saucepan, add powdered sugar to them and put on the stove. We heat the mixture to a very hot state, but do not boil it. Pour the chopped chocolate into a bowl with hot cream and leave for two to three minutes.
step 3 out of 5
After the specified time has elapsed, mix everything together with a silicone spatula or a whisk until a homogeneous shiny mass is obtained.
step 4 out of 5
Cut the butter into pieces and send it to the chocolate mass. Stir until completely homogeneous. The butter melts quickly in warm ganache.
step 5 out of 5
The mixture will not change the consistency, but it will become a little more shiny. The prepared ganache can be used directly to sandwich the cake layers. Or you can put it in the refrigerator for several hours so that the mass hardens. After cooling, the gloss will disappear and a matte appearance will appear. In such a decorated state, it is convenient to use ganache to cover the surface of the cake and level it. The stabilized ganache can be reheated if necessary.

Bon Appetit!

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