Plum compote for the winter without sterilization

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 66.8 kcal
Portions 3 l.
Cooking time 35 minutes
Proteins * 0.2 g
Fats * 0.1 g
Carbohydrates* 16.5 g
Plum compote for the winter without sterilization

Plum compote for the winter is a classic preparation that does not require special costs. It is prepared simply and quickly in an elementary way, and the result is an excellent drink for quenching your thirst. Fruit rolled up in a jar can be used as an addition to cottage cheese and desserts, as well as filling in homemade cakes.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 6
For the compote, we chose dense juicy fruits with a thick peel so that during the preparation process the plums retain their shape. First, let's prepare the plums: rinse them in running water, put them on a kitchen towel and let them dry a little. Then, in each plum, using a toothpick, we make several punctures, then after processing the plums with boiling water, they will not burst much, and the compote will turn out to be tasty and rich.
step 2 out of 6
We wash the compote jars with baking soda, rinse well with water. Put a sieve on a pot of boiling water, put the jar in it with the neck down and sterilize over steam for 7-10 minutes. Then we remove the cans and let them cool down a little.
step 3 out of 6
We put plums in sterilized jars and fill them with boiling water. Leave the compote to infuse for 5-8 minutes.
step 4 out of 6
After the time has elapsed, we put on a special nozzle with holes on the jars and pour the water into the pan. If you don't have a nozzle on hand, use a boiled lid, just hold the berries with it while you drain the water.
step 5 out of 6
We put the water on the fire, add sugar, mix and bring to a boil. Remove the syrup from the stove and pour it into the jars.
step 6 out of 6
We seal the jars tightly with boiled lids, turn them upside down and check for leaks. Then we wrap the jars with a warm blanket and leave the compote to cool completely at room temperature. We store the finished cooled compote in a dark, cool place.

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