Hot pickled cucumbers

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 100.1 kcal
Portions 3 l.
Cooking time 210 minutes
Proteins * 0.5 gr.
Fats * 0.1 g
Carbohydrates* 24.7 g
Hot pickled cucumbers

Pickled cucumbers are a traditional appetizer that has been prepared since ancient times. There are a large number of salting methods. Someone likes pickled cucumbers, someone sweet, someone spicy. There are a lot of recipes. Try hot cooking cucumbers.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 9
Choose a small cucumber, about 5-7 centimeters. Rinse them well under running water. Place in a container and soak for 2 hours. Then cut off the ends.
step 2 out of 9
Prepare spices and seasonings. Peel the garlic. Wash and dry the greens and leaves thoroughly.
step 3 out of 9
Wash the cans in which you will be seaming well and sterilize in the oven or microwave.
step 4 out of 9
Boil the lids in a small saucepan.
step 5 out of 9
Place the spices and seasonings in clean jars.
step 6 out of 9
Arrange the cucumbers tightly in sterile jars.
step 7 out of 9
Boil water and fill the jars, cover with lids and leave for a few minutes. Pour the water from the cans into a saucepan and add a little more water so that there is enough brine for all the cans.
step 8 out of 9
Add the remaining leaves and dill to the saucepan. Bring to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes. Remove the herbs carefully. Add granulated sugar and salt, dissolve completely. Boil the brine.
step 9 out of 9
Pour cucumber jars with hot brine. Close the covers securely. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket. Refrigerate the cucumbers thoroughly. After a day, remove the cucumbers in a dark, cold place (refrigerator or cellar).

Bon Appetit!


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