Kefir dough for pies with cabbage

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 356.6 kcal
Portions 6 port.
Cooking time 80 minutes
Proteins * 10.7 g
Fats * 13.1 gr.
Carbohydrates* 93.4 g
Kefir dough for pies with cabbage

It is with great pleasure and with all my heart that I want to share an excellent recipe for dough made with kefir. Most often, I use this dough to make pies with cabbage. Pies on the dough turn out to be unusually tender and airy.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 15
Combine dry yeast and a little granulated sugar in a small container, fill with drinking water preheated to a warm state and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Tighten the dough with cling film and leave for about 15 minutes.
step 2 out of 15
Meanwhile, pour the required amount of kefir and vegetable oil into a metal dish.
step 3 out of 15
Put the dishes on low heat and slightly heat the liquid until warm.
step 4 out of 15
Then add the remaining amount of granulated sugar.
step 5 out of 15
Also add the required amount of salt.
step 6 out of 15
Sift the required amount of wheat flour into a separate container through a fine sieve.
step 7 out of 15
Pour the matched dough into the kefir mass, mix well.
step 8 out of 15
Gradually add the sifted wheat flour and knead to a soft elastic dough.
step 9 out of 15
Then knead the dough well with your hands and roll into a large ball. Place it in a deep bowl and cover with a clean tea towel.
step 10 out of 15
Place in a warm place. I use an oven for this.
step 11 out of 15
When the dough rises, knead it a little and leave it to rise again. This process can take 35-40 minutes.
step 12 out of 15
In the meantime, prepare the cabbage filling.
step 13 out of 15
Divide the finished dough into equal parts.
step 14 out of 15
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Place the filling in the center.
step 15 out of 15
Form neat patties, then roast or pan in the oven.

Bon Appetit!

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