Dough with raw yeast for patties in the oven

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 332.7 kcal
Portions 8 port.
Cooking time 90 minutes
Proteins * 12.5 g
Fats * 12.8 g
Carbohydrates* 102.6 g
Dough with raw yeast for patties in the oven

With great desire I want to share a recipe for an unusually tasty dough with raw yeast for pies. Pies on such a dough can be cooked both in the oven and in a pan. I usually use this dough to make pies in the oven.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 21
First of all, prepare all the necessary ingredients for making the raw yeast dough.
step 2 out of 21
In a deep container, combine the required amount of warm drinking water and dry yeast, add granulated sugar and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.
step 3 out of 21
Cover the dough with a clean tea towel and let sit for about 20 minutes.
step 4 out of 21
After the expiration of the time, the dough will rise well and increase in volume.
step 5 out of 21
Pour the matched brew into a deep container.
step 6 out of 21
Sift some of the wheat flour through a fine sieve into the dough.
step 7 out of 21
Stir well until smooth.
step 8 out of 21
Sift some of the wheat flour again through a fine sieve into the dough. Stir well until smooth.
step 9 out of 21
Sift the remaining amount of wheat flour through a fine sieve into the dough and mix.
step 10 out of 21
Then add the required amount of vegetable oil.
step 11 out of 21
After that, knead the dough well with your hands and roll into a large ball.
step 12 out of 21
Place it in a deep container.
step 13 out of 21
Cover with a clean tea towel.
step 14 out of 21
After a while the dough will rise and increase in volume.
step 15 out of 21
Wrap it up a bit.
step 16 out of 21
Cover again with a clean tea towel.
step 17 out of 21
Leave the dough to rise again. This process can take approximately 30 minutes.
step 18 out of 21
Divide the finished dough into equal parts.
step 19 out of 21
Roll out the dough and place your favorite filling in the center. I used fried cabbage. Shape the patties.
step 20 out of 21
Put the pies on a prepared baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake until tender.
step 21 out of 21
Cool the finished pies well and serve with your favorite hot drinks.

Bon Appetit!

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