Curd casserole like in a garden

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 198.6 kcal
Portions 4 port.
Cooking time 60 minutes
Proteins * 12.5 g
Fats * 7.2 gr.
Carbohydrates* 20.8 g
Curd casserole like in a garden

Curd casserole is a healthy breakfast for both children and adults. To obtain a fluffy and tasty casserole, you must use only fresh and natural products. Since cottage cheese must be present in the diet of children, such a casserole is one of the options for its use.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 7
Put semolina in a deep bowl and fill it with milk. Let it brew while we do the rest of the preparations.
step 2 out of 7
We turn on the oven to warm up to 200 degrees (it is in the hot oven that we will place the casserole). We shift the cottage cheese into a separate bowl and knead it with a fork. The curd mass should be free of lumps.
step 3 out of 7
Then we send granulated sugar, an egg and a pinch of salt to the curd. Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous structure is obtained.
step 4 out of 7
We move on to the most important step in cooking casserole - mix the swollen semolina and the prepared curd mass. We mix all the components qualitatively.
step 5 out of 7
Lubricate the heat-resistant form with a piece of butter. Then put the base of the casserole into it. Leave the dish ready for baking in the form for 20 minutes, so that the curd mass becomes even more homogeneous and thick.
step 6 out of 7
Place the casserole in a hot oven for 30 minutes. We bake until golden brown. A completely cooked casserole will not fall off.
step 7 out of 7
Cut the casserole into portioned pieces, season with sour cream if desired and treat yourself to it.

Bon Appetit!

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