Cottage cheese casserole with apple and cinnamon

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 197.2 kcal
Portions 8 port.
Cooking time 40 minutes
Proteins * 6.8 g
Fats * 5.8 gr.
Carbohydrates* 32.8 g
Cottage cheese casserole with apple and cinnamon

This fluffy cottage cheese casserole with apples and cinnamon will become your family's favorite breakfast or dinner. A wonderful combination of sweet dough and dried fruits with the sourness of apples, ideally accentuated by the aroma of cinnamon, will appeal to your household and make the whole family gather at a large table for a pleasant tea drinking.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 8
In a deep bowl, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, it will become airy and crumbly, then our casserole will turn out to be tender. Add eggs, salt and sugar to the curd. Mix everything well with a mixer at low speed, then let the dough stand to dissolve the sugar a little.
step 2 out of 8
We clean the raisins from the tails, fill them with boiling water and let them stand for 10 minutes, then rinse them with water, put them in a colander and let them drain. Add the raisins to the curd mass and mix.
step 3 out of 8
Add sour cream to the dough and sift the flour. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
step 4 out of 8
Grease the baking dish with butter so that after cooking the casserole well off the mold, we sprinkle it with flour a little. We spread the dough in a mold and level it on top with a spatula evenly on all sides.
step 5 out of 8
Wash the apples, peel and core, chop them into slices. We decorate our casserole with apple slices.
step 6 out of 8
We put the casserole to bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
step 7 out of 8
When ready, remove the casserole from the oven, let it cool slightly, then sprinkle it with cinnamon and powdered sugar.
step 8 out of 8
Cut the slightly cooled casserole into portioned pieces and serve. Enjoy your tea!

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