Curd cake with raspberries

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 171.9 kcal
Portions 4 port.
Cooking time 65 minutes
Proteins * 9.4 gr.
Fats * 6 gr.
Carbohydrates* 34.7 g
Curd cake with raspberries

Raspberry curd cake is a real treat. Delicate curd dough with juicy fragrant raspberries makes a very successful duet. This is a win-win combination that will appeal to all sweet tooths. Raspberries can be used both frozen and fresh.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 12
We prepare the ingredients for the cake: we get the eggs, butter, cottage cheese from the refrigerator. It is advisable to bring the food to room temperature. But if we use frozen raspberries, it is better to keep them in the freezer until they are mixed with the dough.
step 2 out of 12
Put soft butter in a wide bowl, add sugar and begin to beat with a mixer at low speed, gradually adding revolutions.
step 3 out of 12
Add cottage cheese to the butter whipped with sugar. It is advisable to wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve or punch it with a blender before adding it to the dough - we don't need curd grains in the finished dough.
step 4 out of 12
After adding the curd, beat everything together with a mixer at medium speed - it is necessary to achieve a homogeneous mixture.
step 5 out of 12
Add eggs to the resulting mixture.
step 6 out of 12
Beat everything again with a mixer on medium speed until smooth.
step 7 out of 12
Sift flour into a bowl with the resulting mass, add baking powder.
step 8 out of 12
Gently mix the flour into the dough and beat everything again with a mixer - there should be no lumps.
step 9 out of 12
It's the turn of the raspberries - add them frozen to the dough and mix very gently with a spoon or spatula. If the raspberries are fresh, try not to crush the berries while stirring - the movements should be smooth. Grease the baking dish with butter, sprinkle with flour and carefully put the dough with raspberries into it. We put the form with the dough in an oven preheated to 170 degrees at an average level. We bake the cake for about an hour. By the end of baking, it should noticeably increase in volume and turn golden. We check the readiness with a wooden stick or a toothpick - it should come out dry if you stick it into the center of the cake.
step 10 out of 12
We take the finished cake out of the oven and let it cool slightly, then remove it from the mold.
step 11 out of 12
Sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar through a strainer - so the powder will "fall" easily and evenly on the entire surface of the product.
step 12 out of 12
Cut the cake into portions and serve.

Bon Appetit!

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