Curd cake in a mug

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 179.5 kcal
Portions 1 port.
Cooking time 25 minutes
Proteins * 1.7 gr.
Fats * 7.6 gr.
Carbohydrates* 9.9 gr.
Curd cake in a mug

When you really want something sweet, a cupcake in a mug can be an ideal option. Despite the speed of preparation, the curd cake is juicy and porous. Its taste will make you amazed. This recipe will become a lifesaver in situations of unexpected guests or when you want delicious, but quick baked goods.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 7
In order for the curd dough to be smooth and without lumps, at the very beginning you need to wipe the curd with a sieve or chop it in a blender. For the cake, it is better to use cottage cheese with a fat content of 5% or higher.
step 2 out of 7
Add granulated sugar to the curd mass. Stir.
step 3 out of 7
Add honey to the whole mass. If the honey is candied, melt it in a water bath beforehand.
step 4 out of 7
Next, add dry ingredients to the curd mass - vanilla sugar, wheat flour and baking powder. Mix everything.
step 5 out of 7
Let's add a chicken egg. Chop it and beat it into the curd dough. Then mix all the components with a regular fork; this is the most suitable tool for this process.
step 6 out of 7
Rinse the raisins thoroughly with running water. Dry it with a paper towel and then stir into the curd dough.
step 7 out of 7
Transfer the dough to a microwave-safe mug. Turn on the microwave at maximum power (800 W) and place the future cupcake in it. The baking process will take 3 minutes. Make sure it's done with a wooden toothpick. Also a sure sign of a finished cupcake in a mug is that it will flake off its walls. Once the cake has cooled slightly, you can enjoy delicious pastries.

Enjoy your tea!

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Comments (1) 1

Yuliya 09-06-2021 17:56
Awful recipe !!!

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