Dandelion Jam with Lemon

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 254.9 kcal
Portions 1 l.
Cooking time 1.5 days
Proteins * 2.9 gr.
Fats * 0.6 g
Carbohydrates* 58.5 g
Dandelion Jam with Lemon

Dandelion jam is often referred to as honey jam due to its appearance and taste, which really resembles fragrant and stringy, dark honey. However, it will not be so tasty without the addition of lemon or citric acid - it is lemon that somehow miraculously deprives the flower broth of a sharp herbal, "pharmacy" smell. Therefore, when starting to cook dandelion treats, first of all, stock up on lemon.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 11
Cut off the heads of dandelions in a clean place where transport does not reach, otherwise you risk cooking not a delicacy, but poison. Rinse the flowers under running water after cutting.
step 2 out of 11
Then fill the dandelions with clean water for a day to remove the bitterness. You can change the water to clean water once or twice a day.
step 3 out of 11
Squeeze the flowers and place in a cooking pot.
step 4 out of 11
Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, put it on the stove to start boiling dandelion broth. Cut the cleanly washed lemon together with the skin, but remove the seeds.
step 5 out of 11
Add lemon to the flower broth and cook together for 30 minutes.
step 6 out of 11
Remove the broth from heat and leave under the lid for 4 hours indoors.
step 7 out of 11
Then squeeze the broth through cheesecloth.
step 8 out of 11
You will end up with a dark golden, thick liquid.
step 9 out of 11
Return the dandelion broth to the saucepan and add the sugar.
step 10 out of 11
Cook the jam until it thickens, which will take at least an hour. Remember that after standing in the cold it will thicken even more.
step 11 out of 11
Store the finished jam for no more than a year in a sterilized jar with a hermetically sealed lid and no more than a month under a nylon lid. Eat the dandelion delicacy with tea, or use it as a syrup to pour over pancakes, cheesecakes, cottage cheese or ice cream.

Bon Appetit!


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