Ranetki jam through a meat grinder for the winter

Kitchen World
Calorie content 399 kcal
Portions 1.5 l.
Cooking time 90 minutes
Proteins * gr.
Fats * gr.
Carbohydrates* 100 g
Ranetki jam through a meat grinder for the winter

Apples are cut into slices, seeds are cut out of them. Ranetki are twisted in a meat grinder and mixed with sugar. The jam is cooked for about half an hour, after which it is poured into jars and rolled up.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 6
We sort the apples, choose the intact ones. Rinse them thoroughly under running water and dry them on a paper towel.
step 2 out of 6
Cut off the tails, cut into slices and remove the seeds.
step 3 out of 6
We twist the ranetki together with the peel through a meat grinder and transfer the resulting mass into a container in which the jam will be prepared.
step 4 out of 6
Fill in granulated sugar and mix everything thoroughly.
step 5 out of 6
We send the container to medium heat and cook the jam for half an hour, stirring constantly so that it does not burn.
step 6 out of 6
We pour the still hot mass into previously sterilized cans and roll up the lids. Turn it upside down, wrap it in a towel or blanket and leave it to cool completely. We send it to a place suitable for storage, take it out in winter and use it as a filling for baking or use it in its pure form. Bon Appetit!

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