Plum jam in syrup

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 320 kcal
Portions 3 port.
Cooking time 3 days
Proteins * 1.4 gr.
Fats * 1 gr.
Carbohydrates* 77.3 g
Plum jam in syrup

There is nothing tastier than opening a jar of homemade sour plum jam in winter. It goes well in pies, pies, dumplings. In addition to cinnamon, you can add other aromatic spices to the jam.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 4
Sort out plums, wash well in several waters. Drain in a colander, cut in half and remove the seeds.
step 2 out of 4
Put the fruits in a saucepan, cover with granulated sugar and let stand to let the juice drain from the plums. If the juice comes out a little, you can add 1-2 glasses of water. Cook the mass until boiling, then remove from heat. The next day, put the plums on the fire again, bring to a boil and remove. Do this 3 times. Bring to a boil for the last time, add ground cinnamon. If the jam is thin, mix the pectin with 1 tbsp. l. sugar and, constantly stirring the jam, introduce a thin stream of pectin.
step 3 out of 4
When the plum jam has cooled down, put it in sterilized jars, close with lids. Remove under a warm blanket to cool.
step 4 out of 4
Carry out the cooled workpieces for storage in a closet or basement.

Bon Appetit!

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