Blueberries mashed with sugar for the winter

Top 10 Most Used Ingredients in Jam

Product 100g Kcal Protein Fats Carbohydrates
Granulated sugar 399 0 0 100
Blueberry 44 1.1 0.6 7.6
Lemon juice 33 0.6 0.2 3.9
Lemon 34 0.9 0.1 3
Edible gelatin 355 87.2 0.4 0.7
Zhelfix 109 0.9 0 26.4
Raspberries 46 0.8 0.5 8.3
Strawberry 41 0.8 0.4 7.5
Strawberry 41 0.8 0.4 7.5
Black currant 44 1 0.4 7.3