Zucchini casserole with cottage cheese and tomatoes

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 135.7 kcal
Portions 4 port.
Cooking time 50 minutes
Proteins * 9.8 g
Fats * 7 gr.
Carbohydrates* 12.5 g
Zucchini casserole with cottage cheese and tomatoes

Casseroles are good for breakfasts and dinners: cooking, as a rule, does not take a lot of time, and they have a high level of satiety and nutritional value. We offer a recipe for a vegetable casserole with cottage cheese, flavored with aromatic herbs and grated Parmesan. It is juicy, full-bodied and, despite the abundance of juicy vegetables, is quite dense. The secret lies in the white bread cubes, which absorb moisture and thicken the texture of the casserole. It is better to serve the dish hot - in this state, the casserole is much tastier.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 4
Break eggs into a large bowl, add salt, black pepper and Tabasco sauce to them. Beat with a fork or mixer until smooth. Add grated parmesan and cottage cheese to the beaten eggs. Beat with a mixer until relatively homogeneous. You can use cottage cheese of any fat content, but it is worth remembering that the fatter it is, the juicier and richer the taste of the finished casserole turns out.
step 2 out of 4
Wash the zucchini and tomatoes and dry them with a towel. If the zucchini is mature enough, then we cut off the peel and discard the seeds. Young fruits can be used whole. Cut the prepared zucchini into small pieces. We also cut the tomatoes into small slices. If a large amount of juice is released when cutting the tomatoes, it is better to drain it so that the finished casserole does not turn out too watery. Immerse the chopped vegetables in the egg-curd mixture, add the chopped basil, mix.
step 3 out of 4
Cut the white bread into cubes. Sprinkle them lightly with water to moisten them, and add them to the overall egg-vegetable mixture. We mix.
step 4 out of 4
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease the casserole dish with olive oil. Pour the prepared casserole mixture into it. We put the dish with the mixture on the middle level and bake for half an hour. Then we increase the oven temperature to two hundred degrees and bake the dish for another five to ten minutes, until the surface is well browned. We take out the finished casserole from the oven and let it stand for ten minutes at room temperature. We serve directly in the form.

Bon Appetit!

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