Zucchini casserole with cheese and tomatoes

Top 10 Most Used Ingredients in the Casserole

Product 100g Kcal Protein Fats Carbohydrates
Zucchini 24 0.6 0.3 4.6
Onion 41 1.4 0.2 8.2
Parmesan cheese 392 33 28 0
Sour cream 206 2.5 20 3.4
Garlic 14.9 0.7 0 3
Vegetable oil 899 0 99.9 0
Cheese 364 23.2 29.5 0
Minced meat 165.9 14.7 11.6 0.7
Wheat flour 334 10.3 1.1 68.9
Potato 77 2 0.4 16.3